
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Investigative Video Hints at Constant Financial Profit from Aborted Baby Body Parts

By Suzanne Michelle-Hanson
Live Action News

With the release of the latest video from The Center for Medical Progress came reminders of the driving force behind the aborted baby parts industry — money. Even in the newly-released short preview video, the talk of procuring body parts for money was abundant.

Planned Parenthood and NAF abortionists laugh about heads getting stuck and discuss dismembering fully formed babies.
The sampling of talk about money in a matter of minutes included multiple comments from multiple top Planned Parenthood staffers:
“I get a lot of oohs and ahhs from StemExpress [biotech firm]. You know, they’re wanting livers. . . . Last week I was in Sacramento, and she said, “I need four intact limbs.” And I said, you want what?- Dr. Leslie Drummond, an abortionist from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte.
“There’s a lot of clinics that we work with that, I mean, it helps them out significantly.” – A StemExpress procurement manager, commenting on how StemExpress paying for the aborted parts helps the abortion centers financially.
“But the truth is that some might want to do it to increase their revenues. And we can’t stop them” Deb VanDerhei, the national director of Planned Parenthood Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).
“I think a financial incentive from you guys [referring to CMP workers posing as fetal parts buyers]… the people who we have to get this approved from will be very happy about it” – Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood abortionist in NYC.
Live Action News article continues 

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