
Monday, May 15, 2017

Kardashian Sisters Visit Planed Parenthood Abortion Clinic to Push Its Agenda

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

The Kardashians seem to be everywhere these days.

Their latest stop on Thursday was a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in West Los Angeles, Marie Clair reports. The celebrity sisters said they plan to promote the abortion chain in an upcoming episode of their show, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

The paparazzi took photos as Kim, Khloe and Kourtney visited the abortion facility and shot video footage for their TV show, according to the report.

“The girls felt that since they have such a huge audience, they could really make a difference and shed some light on just how important Planned Parenthood is for those who can’t afford the services they provide elsewhere,” a source told X17 Online.

According to the women’s magazine:

While they were there, they reportedly spoke with leaders about women’s healthcare and the threat of the Trump administration. And the sisters asked what they can do to help them out in the future. (Chances are, putting them on a popular reality show doesn’t hurt.)

The abortion chain has a lot of support from celebrities and rich, old white men, but not from the American public. A January poll by Susan B. Anthony List found that a majority of voters in 2018 Senate battleground states oppose giving tax dollars to Planned Parenthood.

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