
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kentucky Pregnancy Center Raises Over $100K to Fuel Mobile Ultrasound, New Location

By Zirconia Alleyne
Life News

Alpha Alternative Pregnancy Care Center in Hopkinsville, Ky., will be moving into the old Belmont Elementary School building this fall, thanks to raising $111,729 at its annual fundraising dinner Monday night.

Executive director Amanda Westerfield said Alpha Alternative will occupy 6,000 square feet of the school building, now called Hilltop Properties and owned by Phillip Garnett.

The lease on the space begins June 1, but Westerfield said renovations may take a little longer.

With the additional space, Alpha will be able to expand its services and offer more resources to women with crisis pregnancies, the director said.

“We hope to do more group classes within a classroom setting, and now that we have our nurses on staff, we’d like to do nutritional classes with our clients,” Westerfield said. “We also hope to be able to do our ultrasounds on-site at least one day a week to start out.”
She also gave an update on the Image Clear Ultrasound Mobile unit, which travels around town and offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and client advocates to pregnant women in need.

The mobile unit now has two nurses and a sonographer, and earned its state license to serve as a medical clinic, Westerfield said.

Following the announcement and updates, a client of Alpha named Payton shared how going to Alpha Alternative changed her mind about having an abortion.

“What they do on the Image Clear Mobile is priceless, even though it doesn’t cost a dime,” the young woman said as Mobile operations manager Heather Hawkins brought up her son. “My 6-month-old healthy, happy son probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for Alpha.”
Life News article continues

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