
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Roe’s Death-Dealing Days are Numbered

A Court Ruling which Extinguishes that 
Divine Spark Cannot Last Forever

By Maria Gallagher
Life News

I watched the movie “Jackie” the other week because I was interested in finding out how the film would portray the life of First Lady Jackie Kennedy following the immense tragedy of her husband’s assassination.

I have no first-hand memories of the time in American history that Jackie would describe as “Camelot.” Therefore, films and books and television programs are my only connection with that era. I would say that I have seen snippets of the Zapruder film depicting the shooting of President John Kennedy far more times than I have seen his Inauguration speech or any footage of his life in the White House.

As a result, in my mind, the assassination overshadowed his actual Presidency; his death was more studiously examined than his life.

I have a similar point of view about growing up in the shadow of Roe v. Wade. From the time as a child when I first learned what abortion was, the taking of an innocent child’s life, it has been legal.

Many Americans are in the same position. They have no recollection, or first-hand knowledge, of what life in America was like before the tragic U.S. Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion nationwide.

The irony in this is that the nation’s youngest adults, the Millennials, are more pro-life than previous generations of young people, according to national public opinion polls. Some even refer to themselves as being part of the “Pro-Life Generation.” They are determined to end abortion, peacefully and prayerfully, and by empowering women to make life-affirming decisions for themselves and their families.

With the idealism of youth on their side, they can envision an abortion-free nation, a nation more accepting of life, of babies, and of pregnant women. Rather than turning the clock back, they want to move America forward to a brighter, life-giving and life-sustaining future. 

They have seen the injustice of Roe first-hand. They know there are sisters, brothers, and cousins who are not here today because of the tragic Supreme Court decision made by a group of misguided men a lifetime ago.

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