
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Senator Manchin Wants Pro-Lifers to ‘Prove’ Planned Parenthood Videos Aren’t Fake. Here’s Why We Don’t Have To.

By Kelli
Live Action News

Senator Manchin, who has always called himself “pro-life,” was recently pictured “standing with Planned Parenthood.” Pro-lifers were stunned, with Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser calling the switch a “profound betrayal of the unborn and their mothers” and an “enormous mistake both morally and politically.”

Yesterday, Students for Life protested on Capitol Hill at Senator Joe Manchin’s office, sharing their experience on Facebook:

In 2015, Senator Manchin was one of the few Democrats who broke ranks to vote for defunding Planned Parenthood. At the time, he said:

I am very troubled by the callous behavior of Planned Parenthood staff in recently released videos, which casually discuss the sale, possibly for profit, of fetal tissue after an abortion. 

Until these allegations have been answered and resolved, I do not believe that taxpayer money should be used to fund this organization; instead those funds should be sent to other health care providers, including community health centers, which provide important women’s healthcare services.

Well, these “allegations” Senator Manchin mentions have been “answered and resolved” to a certain extent — thanks to a Congressional investigation — and the findings are indeed troubling. Here’s why pro-lifers don’t have to “prove” anything more:

Live Action News article continues

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