
Friday, May 26, 2017

Suction Abortion Inaccurately Described by Planned Parenthood

According to Planned Parenthood, abortion removes a tiny blue dot from the woman’s uterus. Watch the video below to see how their medically inaccurate depictions of abortion compare with medically accurate depictions by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino.

Pro-abortion politicians tell the American people that Planned Parenthood needs hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding for health services. Watch the video below as pregnant women contact Planned Parenthood and can’t find the health care politicians promised them.
This video can also be viewed on YouTube using this link.


Live Action is an anti-abortion, pro-life, non profit organization that exposes the truth about abortion and counter the misinformation campaign of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry and lobby. Today, we host the largest online presence for the right to life, pro-life movement, with millions of supporters and volunteers throughout the United States, but it all began in a living room.  For more information or to make a donation to help Live Action with their work, please use this link.  

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