
Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Glaring Irony of Jimmy Kimmel’s Emotional Monologue About His Newborn Son

By Brenna Skettebo
Live Action News

A few nights ago, Jimmy Kimmel opened his show with a tearful monologue discussing his newborn son, who was born with a rare heart disease and had to undergo an emergency surgery just hours after being born. Kimmel, who is known to be a big family man, was understandably shaken up by the event, shedding a tears on the stage.

Thankfully, after a successful surgery, William John Kimmel is now doing well and is at home with his family. Kimmel shared a picture of the healthy, smiling baby boy, which received a loud applause from the audience.

I always love when celebrities celebrate their wives and kids publicly and I admire Kimmel for sharing about this scary experience in such a vulnerable way. However, while my hope isn’t to downplay any traumatic experiences like Kimmel’s, I can’t help but notice the irony of this situation in relation to the tragedy of abortion.

Kimmel’s story tugged on heartstrings of people around the nation, not necessarily because he’s a celebrity, but because his story is about an innocent life that was in danger. Most everyone can agree that this situation is scary and that the life of a human being is the most valuable thing there is. However, to many, including most celebrities, a baby in his mother’s womb is not a human being at all, but rather a “clump of cells” and a “choice” to be made.

There are only two things that differentiate children like William from babies whose lives are ended in their mothers’ wombs – their location and the fact that they were wanted.

This contradiction is glaring and disheartening. How could these two things possibly change the value of a life so drastically?

The answer? They don’t. At all.

The irony only continues. After telling his story, Kimmel uses his experience as a platform to discuss a political issue – no, surprisingly not abortion or the value of life even at an early stage of development. Instead, in response to President Trump’s promise to repeal Obamacare, he chose to discuss healthcare.

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