
Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Real “War on Women” is Christian Women Who are Tortured for Their Faith, Not Laws to Stop Abortion

With all their talk of women’s bodies, the feminist media appear to prioritize abortion and birth control over the grave human rights violations committed by terrorist groups.

By Katie Yoder
Life News

While the media readily report the U.S. “war on women” (think: abortion), they oddly refrain from covering the real war on women abroad – that of women tortured for their faith by terrorists like ISIS.

Last week, Open Doors USA Advocacy Director Kristin Wright spoke with MRC Culture about the “underreported” Christian persecution worldwide and the media’s hesitancy to call it out as genocide. As she told the story of one Iraqi woman fleeing ISIS, she stressed that women even face a “double-persecution” in many countries.

MRC Culture spoke with Wright at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington, D.C. Wright serves as a U.S. advocate for persecuted Christians abroad and travels worldwide to meet with victims. She also pens a Huffington Post column informing Americans of the issue.

At the beginning of the interview, MRC Culture asked Wright for her take on the media coverage of Christian persecution worldwide. According to Wright, journalists must do more.

“Definitely they’re not covering it enough,” Wright said of the “underreported” issue. “We definitely should be seeing and hearing more about the situation for Christians who face persecution as well as other faith groups.”
Wright urged the media to tell more stories – and to continue reporting others. She pointed to the 276 Chibok girls in kidnapped by Boko Haram three years ago.
“This is a story that really kind of splashed across international headlines … when it originally happened,” she said. “And now, what have we heard from this over the last three years? Almost nothing.” Even as, she noted, Boko Haram released 82 girls last week.
While U.S. politicians casually throw around the term “war on women,” Wright applied it more seriously to women persecuted abroad.
“There definitely is a war on women abroad. There’s no question about that,” she added. “If you look at the ways in which women suffer, it is unique to women.”
Life News report continues

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