
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

TWO Precious Babies Saved from Abortion!

Dear Friend of Life:

Sidewalk Advocates in over 110 locations across our country and world sacrifice countless hours standing on the sidewalk in front of abortion facilities each week, offering hope and help to women-in-crisis through the power of love and peaceful outreach. Blistering hot sun or freezing snow, they pray to reach as many hearts as possible.

Sometimes, it's not easy. Some locations deal with folks who mock them, shout at them, and try to prevent them from speaking to the women entering the abortion facility. Despite any challenges they may face, our Sidewalk Advocates persevere for love of their preborn brothers and sisters — children they may never meet (though, sometimes, they do!).

The question they are most frequently asked? Is it worth it?  Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

To see Baby Kevin (pictured above), saved from abortion: YES, it is worth it!

And for Baby Cameron (pictured below), saved from abortion: YES, it is worth it!

To share one of these miraculous stories: This precious little boy, Cameron, was saved from abortion by God's grace on December 3rd when three members of our national team were on the sidewalk together, praying and peacefully reaching out...and mom and dad said YES to the offer of help and chose life!!

It was a constant continuum of support as we had to keep encouraging mom to choose life throughout her pregnancy ...and she courageously did so every step of the way.
So yes, every challenge, every moment spent on the sidewalk is worth it — if it can save the life of even one of these precious babies, made in the image and likeness of God.

Either way, we know that no time on the sidewalk is wasted: God is using us in ways unseen, at times, to plant seeds in the hearts of those at the abortion facility or those passing by. Sometimes we witness those seeds blossom to evident victories on the sidewalk, and sometimes we look forward to the full realization of that impact once we are with Him.

Know that your prayers, financial support, and presence are making a profound difference!

Want to join us on the sidewalk? Here are two great options...

1. Find a current Sidewalk Advocates for Life location near you (to get trained) at
2. Feel called to bring SAFL's peaceful, prayerful sidewalk advocacy program to YOUR local community this summer? Applications are open now until May 31 at 11:59 pm CST!

Every one of us has a role to play in ending abortion — whether we are a donor, trained Sidewalk Advocate (or peaceful sidewalk counselor), or prayer volunteer. Thank you for saying "YES" to the call the Lord has placed on your heart, and for the role you play in saving precious children like Kevin and Cameron!

In Christ, for Life,
Chantel Poisel
Communications Coordinator
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

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