
Monday, June 12, 2017

Available June 21: The Trial of Kermit Gosnell

This Book Reveals Shocking Details about His Crimes and the Abortion Industry in America


from Operation Rescue 

Washington, DC - The Trial of Kermit Gosnell is a gripping new book from Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger that relates shocking details from the 2013 Philadelphia murder trial of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for murdering innocent babies born alive during illegal late-term abortions at his squalid House of Horrors abortion mill.

Sullenger, who attended the trial, recounts scandalous testimony and describes appalling evidence from her unique perspective of a pro-life advocate with thirty-three years of experience in activism an researching abortion abuses.

But before you think Gosnell was alone, Sullenger reveals the alarming fact that abortion facilities all over the nation engage in similar appalling practices - and have for decades. From her years of research, she shares documented examples of unsanitary facilities, sexual abuse, mental health disorders, criminal conduct and more - even other deplorable incidents of murder that mimic Gosnell's horrific practices.

The Trial of Kermit Gosnell is set for release on June 21, 2017. Published by World Ahead Press, this 324-page paperback will be available at the WND Superstore, Amazon, and Barns & Nobel online stores.

In The Trial of Kermit Gosnell, Cheryl Sullenger debunks the Planned Parenthood myth of "safe, legal and rare abortions." While the Gosnell saga is the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," readers will understand the need to expose legal abortion's underbelly and to join the movement to end the scourge.
-Evangelist Alveda King,

There is no person who better understands the horrors occurring behind the closed doors of abortion facilities than Cheryl Sullenger, who has spent years documenting and exposing abortion abuses. In The Trial of Kermit Gosnell, Sullenger reveals the full story of the courtroom drama that shocked and outraged America. This page-turning narrative of murder, abortion, political cover-ups, and regulatory failure shatters the facade of "choice," and demonstrates that Gosnell isn't the only abortionist committing barbaric crimes in America. Once you read this book, you will never view abortion the same way again.-David Bereit, Former CEO of 40 Days for Life

Cheryl Sullenger gives an impressive, factual account of the trial of late term abortionist Kermit Gosnell who for thirty years murdered black children in a black neighborhood, perpetuating the epidemic of black-on-black crime. The Trial of Kermit Gosnell is a must read because Gosnell was not an anomaly. There are more Gosnells out there, we must strive to end the killing. -Dr. Day Gardner, President, National Black Pro-Life Union 

For media interviews with the author contact her at 316-516-3034.

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