
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Boston Globe Writes Glowing Tribute to Accomplishments of Abortionist Kenneth Edelin

"In fact, for every case that does become known [of a baby who survives the abortion], a hundred probably go unreported."

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

In 1975, Dr. Kenneth Edelin told the New York Times, “Nobody likes to do abortions, but the least we can do is make it safe and humane.” Keep that in mind as we go forward today.

Old timers like me have a much different understanding of Dr. Edelin [pronounced EE-da-lin], the abortionist who passed away in December 2013. Edelin was the defendant in one of the earliest (and stomach turning) cases in which he was first convicted of manslaughter in the death of a baby born alive on October 3, 1973, and then exonerated by the Supreme Judicial Court (Massachusetts‘s highest judicial body). The legal case began in 1975, just two years after Roe v. Wade was handed down.

Why bother to bring up his name at all lo these many decades later? Because “Friends, family, and colleagues of Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin assembled on the lawn outside Boston Medical Center Thursday afternoon to dedicate a public square in his memory,” according to Emily Sweeney of the Boston Globe. “[M]ore than 100 people gathered under a white tent at Boston Medical Center to celebrate Edelin’s achievements and unveil a sign that will mark the intersection of Harrison Avenue and Worcester Square as Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin Square.”

The story is filled with tributes to Edelin, PPFA’s chairman from 1989 to 1992 and a member of the National Abortion Federation, described by The Rev. Liz Walker as “an extraordinary man who lived a life with extraordinary purpose.”

Simply because she explained the case so well, let me first quote extensively from a post written by Sarah Terzo. I will then add a brief comment.

Sarah’s 2013 column about Edelin was sparked by the case of abortionist Kermit Gosnell who eventually was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of three late-term babies he delivered alive and then slit their spinal cords, and involuntary manslaughter in the death of a female patient.

In 1973, Edelin was an abortionist at Boston City Hospital. A 17-year-old girl came in for a routine abortion. She claimed she was 17 weeks pregnant. One doctor examined her and said that she was closer 20 weeks. Later she was estimated to be 24 weeks along. Yet another doctor estimated her pregnancy as 22 weeks.

Despite the confusion, Dr. Edelin and Dr. Penza (the abortionists on staff) chose to perform a saline abortion on her. A saline abortion is performed by injecting caustic saline solution into the woman’s uterus. The solution burns and poisons the baby over a period of several hours, and then labor is induced, with the woman “giving birth” to her dead child. This abortion procedure is seldom used today because of risks to the mother and the large number of live births that were attributed to it.

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