
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Daughter’s Thank You Note to Her Parents Who Chose Life as Teens Goes Viral

By Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

A Facebook post with a pro-life spin is getting a lot of attention – including over 160,000 likes and nearly 14,000 shares. Love What Matters shared the story of a young family who, when life could have knocked them down, stood together and triumphed over fear.

“We made it TOGETHER,” writes the young girl who is sitting on her father’s shoulder in the first picture at her mother’s high school graduation. The second photo is a re-creation – with the girl still on her father’s shoulders – taken years later at her own high school graduation.

The girl’s mother became pregnant at just 15 years old and gave birth at 16. Her boyfriend was 17. “My parents were judged a lot during this time but stayed strong together,” writes the teen. “They both lived with their parents but were raising me together. They were determined to make it and provide me with a future. My dad worked full time in construction and my mom was still playing soccer. Today they have a strong, loving marriage.”

Today, the girl’s mother is a stay-at-home mom, and her father is a longshoreman. The couple now has two more daughters as well.

These young parents’ choice for life inspired their daughter and gave her the chance to work hard, see that each life is a blessing, and experience the power of brave decisions. She is now is headed off to college with her parents’ blessing.

“I wanted to recreate this photo since the beginning of my senior year, but especially after I accepted my offer to college,” she wrote. “I also wanted it to be a reflection to show them how far we’ve come together as a family. […] I couldn’t ask for a more loving, supportive family than the one God gave me. Yeah that’s right, we made it TOGETHER.”
When faced with unplanned pregnancies, teenagers are capable of parenting their children, despite Planned Parenthood’s claims and deception. Parents need to be increasingly aware of their teens’ activities and openly discuss the importance of good, safe, and healthy life choices. 

However, no matter what happens, it is important for parents to welcome any grandchildren with open arms and help their own children throughout the process of pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Countless resources are available through crisis pregnancy resource centers even for those teens who don’t have support at home.

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

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