
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Five Things to Do This Summer to Support Life!

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

With the beauty of summer before us, it's a great time to sit back, relax, and contemplate what we might do to make the Summer of 2017 truly memorable. Many Millennials will head off for mission trips in faraway lands. But it is also possible to set off on a mission in your local community to help promote the cause of life. Here are five things you can do this summer to support life at all ages and stages of development:
1.) Volunteer to be a parent's personal assistant for the day. Your duties can run the gamut--grocery shopping, taking the children to an amusement park, gardening--any activity that can help brighten the day of a mother or father under stress. One study showed that as many as 80 percent of women who have had abortions would have chosen life for their children if at least one person had shown support for that choice. You can be part of a support system that supports life.
2.) Take up the tabling challenge! Sign up to staff a pro-life educational table at a fair or festival in your area. With the aid of soft-touch fetal models, informative brochures, and even smiley-face balloons, you can spread the pro-life message in a fun, creative way.
3.) Make your beach or backyard summer read one that promotes life. Unplanned by former abortion center director Abby Johnson and 40 Days for Life by the team behind that powerful prayer ministry of the same name are just two titles which can educate, motivate, and inspire on a sunlit summer's day.
4.) "Adopt" a grandparent for the day. Help an older person with their household chores. Visit a senior citizen in a nursing home. Make it fun--bring a homemade gift along, or play a board game while you're there. Honoring someone in the twilight of life is a wonderful way to respect life's dignity and inherent value.
5.) Attend--or make a promise to attend--a pro-life event. You have many incredible options here.
  • You can attend the incomparable National Right to Life Convention June 29-July 1 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The amazing line-up of speakers and workshops will energize you for the pro-life challenges ahead Register online at by using this link.  
  •  Or plan to attend a pro-life banquet, such as the Celebrate Life Banquet sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Education Fund. The September 28th event features noted author and adoption advocate Ryan Bomberger (Visit our website here for details).

As pro-lifers, we can never take a vacation from the pro-life cause. Too many children, mothers, fathers, and grandparents are counting on us. By undertaking just a few pro-life projects this summer, or planning ahead for the fall, we can advance the cause of life in our own communities. We can rebuild a culture of life one smile, one heart, and one life at a time.

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Inc., is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children. Through legislation, political action, education and other legal means, we proclaim the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.  For more information or to find out how you can become involved, please use this link.  

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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