
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

GOP Senators May Surrender on Defunding Planned Parenthood to Pass Health Care Bill

By Becky Yeh
Live Action News

Several Republican senators hinted that they may surrender to Democrats on defunding Planned Parenthood if they can pass a bill repealing and replacing Obamacare, a Fox News reporter said. In a tweet, journalist Chad Pergram said that some conservative senators would be willing to “give” on the issue of abortion if they could pass the health care bill.

Some conservative GOP sens tell Fox they’d be willing to “give” on social issues like abortion if it meant they could pass health care bill
The U.S. House recently passed its version of the American Health Care Act, which would effectively defund Planned Parenthood for one year and eliminate 80 percent of its federal funding. The measure was approved on a on a 217-213 vote, with 20 Republicans voting against it.

Senate Republicans, who are pressured to pass the bill before the Fourth of July recess, need 51 votes to pass any health care legislation. If the Senate version passes with 50 vote, it will necessitate a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Mike Pence. Democrats are openly in opposition of efforts to repeal Obamacare, and it will be an uphill fight to unite conservative and moderate Republican members.

The vote comes on the heels of Planned Parenthood’s recently released annual report, which shows that with increased taxpayer funding, the corporation’s health services have sharply declined, while abortions increased. Since 2004, services at Planned Parenthood have dropped significantly; however, abortions have increased 28 percent while taxpayer funding increased 103 percent.

  • Breast exams are down 65 percent
  • Cancer screenings down 69 percent
  • Pap tests down 75 percent
  • Abortions are up 28 percent
  • Taxpayer funding is up 103 percent

For nearly a decade, Republicans have vowed to defund Planned Parenthood. Although Congress successfully passed a measure eliminating subsidies for the abortion giant under President Obama, lawmakers must do it again. The Trump administration and members of Congress campaigned on the promise to get the job done, and yet to this day, Planned Parenthood remains fully funded to the tune of $1.5 million a day.

1 comment:

  1. Republicans have control of the House and the Senate. They shouldn't be surrendering to the Democrats on any issue, especially on funding of a corporation whose main purpose is the killing on innocent unborn children.
