
Monday, June 5, 2017

Israel’s Modern-Day Midwives Offer Solutions, Not Abortion

By Jay Hobbs
Live Action News

(Pregnancy Help NewsEnslaved in a foreign land for 430 years, Israel’s mothers were once confronted with a gut-wrenching choice: either put their newborn sons to death or face the wrath of a powerful king.

Rather than give into the demands of the Egyptian Pharoah, however, two heroic midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, led Israel in a resistance that led to the birth of Moses, who would grow up to lead his people out of captivity and into the Promised Land.

The problem is actually twice as bad, says Sandy Shoshani, national director of a pro-life group called Be’ad Chaim. Even as taxpayers fund 20,000 legal abortions each year—an official number that has stayed the same since the mid-1980s—private clinics abort another 20-30,000 children on an annual basis.

Many of the non-reported abortions take place while young women are serving a compulsory term in the military. Rather than going through the shame of accessing an abortion through the state, young women in the military routinely opt for private abortions—a trend Shoshani’s daughter saw firsthand while she was in the armed service.

Since 1948, Shoshani estimates over 2 million babies have been aborted. Currently, Israel’s population of just 8.4 million aborts as many as one in four preborn babies—a ratio just below that of China. 

It was numbers and anecdotes like these that shocked Shoshani into action back in 2005 when she was asked to take the reins of Be’ad Chaim, an organization serving Israeli women since 1988.

Many of the non-reported abortions take place while young women are serving a compulsory term in the military. Rather than going through the shame of accessing an abortion through the state, young women in the military routinely opt for private abortions—a trend Shoshani’s daughter saw firsthand while she was in the armed service.

Since 1948, Shoshani estimates over 2 million babies have been aborted. Currently, Israel’s population of just 8.4 million aborts as many as one in four preborn babies—a ratio just below that of China. It was numbers and anecdotes like these that shocked Shoshani into action back in 2005 when she was asked to take the reins of Be’ad Chaim, an organization serving Israeli women since 1988.
“The Lord spoke to my heart Proverbs 24:10-12,” Shoshani said. “The Lord showed me a picture of myself like an ostrich and said, ‘You can stick your head in the sand and pretend you don’t know about the abortions in Israel, or you can do something amazing. So, I took up the challenge.


Live Action News story continues 

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