
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Let's Seize This Opportunity! Join Us on June 6th in Harrisburg, Pa.

Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

Our Coalition and other organizers expect a large turnout and have planned an excellent program for our Stand Up For Life Rally. This Rally, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 11:00 AM in our State Capitol, is occurring at a crucial time as our State Legislature is considering some crucial life-saving legislation. The attached promotional flyer provides additional information and reasons to attend this Rally.

Our Requests of You
  1. Will you personally attend this Rally?
  2. Will you invite 5-10 other people to also attend this Rally?

Signs and Dress

You are welcome to bring signs. Our organization will provide "Mercy." and "Stop Funding Planned Parenthood" signs.

I encourage you to wear red to this Rally. Our Rally follows the Sunday, June 4, 2017 Feast of Pentecost. The color red would symbolize our commitment, as Christians, to spread the Gospel of Life with courage and zeal in Harrisburg, in our local communities, and in our Churches.

Post-Rally in the Capitol

After the Rally, we request that you visit your state legislators and request that they support the current pro-life legislative initiatives that are summarized in the promotional flyer. We will have materials available at the Rally that describe these initiatives.

Back at Home

Even more importantly, we request that you generate contact with your state legislators in their District Offices in support of these legislative initiatives. We can send you the materials that will be available at the Rally.


Our Southwest Pa. affiliate, People Concerned for the Unborn Child, at 412-531-9272, is organizing a bus for this Rally. The website lists transportation coordinators from Southeast Pa.


Please do your best to attend our Stand Up For Life Rally in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 11:00 AM.

 Note: We have created a Facebook event for this rally. You can access this event page by clicking here.  Please indicate that you are going to attend or are interested. 


 Here is a link for the flyer for this event. Please print out copies and distribute them to all your friends. We need to have as many people as possible attend this Rally this Tuesday.

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