
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Methodist Church and United Church of Christ Tell Senate to Oppose Defunding Planned Parenthood

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Nearly a dozen religious organizations joined abortion advocacy groups Wednesday to urge U.S. Senators to keep funding the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

United Church of Christ, Methodist, Presbyterian and Jewish groups were among the 150-plus groups that signed a letter outlining their support of the abortion chain, Obamacare and Medicaid expansions. A group called NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice also signed the letter.
“We urge you to oppose any repeal of the Affordable Care Act, attempts to change Medicaid’s open-ended funding guarantee into a block grant or per capita caps, and any attempts to defund Planned Parenthood,” the groups wrote in the letter to U.S. Senators.
They claimed that defunding Planned Parenthood would deprive patients of affordable health care, such as birth control, STD testing and treatment, cancer screenings and women’s exams.

“This loss of funds will have a disproportionate effect on poor families and people of color who make up 40 percent of Planned Parenthood patients,” they wrote. “Seventy-five percent of Planned Parenthood patients are at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level and half of their health centers are in rural or underserved areas.”

The U.S. House passed a bill in May to defund the abortion group of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and repeal and replace Obamacare, but the U.S. Senate has yet to take action.

Efforts to defund the abortion chain have been growing ever since undercover videos revealed that Planned Parenthood may be illegally selling aborted babies’ body parts. Earlier this year, a Congressional investigation into the matter concluded with lawmakers recommended that Congress defund Planned Parenthood. Investigations continue.

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