
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Mother of Four Rejects Abortion, Accepts Jesus and Gets Married All in One Week

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-life advocates helped turn a despairing family’s lives around last week after they met a pregnant woman on her way to have an abortion.

It all began last Monday outside an abortion clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina, according to Christian News Network.

Sidewalk counselor Vicky Kaseorg of Cities4Life said she met a woman, “J,” who was pregnant and seriously considering an abortion. Already a mother of four, J was facing “some of the most difficult circumstances anyone could face with a new baby on the way,” she said.

But J was receptive to the pro-life advocates’ information, and she learned that they were eager to help her and her family overcome the obstacles that they were facing.

“She chose life for her baby, then chose to ask Jesus to be Lord of her life,” Kaseorg wrote on her blog. “[She] was convicted of the need to obey God in all things [and consequently] told her boyfriend, who said, ‘Then let’s get married now.’”
The couple had been together for 11 years and had talked about getting married some day, but they never followed through with it, she wrote. They were dedicated to making it happen, but time constraints limited them to having the ceremony within a week. Organizing a wedding ceremony so quickly was not an easy task, but everything suddenly just came together.

Kaseorg said J’s partner worked a grueling schedule and did not think he could take off for a ceremony or honeymoon; but he found out Thursday that his work day was canceled due to technological issues.

Finding a justice of the peace to marry them on such short notice also was a struggle. However, Kaseorg said a pastor friend of hers just happened to be in town that day and agreed to marry the couple.

Kaseorg said she took J to a thrift store where they found a dress and shoes that fit her perfectly.

“I had already snagged a beautiful ring from home that I never wear and had found years ago,” she continued. “I kept it, thinking one day God would reveal who I could bless with that lovely ring. I hoped it would fit J. It did! Perfectly. As though it were made for her.”
At 3 p.m. Thursday, the couple gathered with Kaseorg, the pastor and J’s best friend for the wedding ceremony in a park in downtown Charlotte. Their pro-life group paid for the wedding expenses and gave the couple a night at a fancy downtown hotel for their honeymoon, she said.

Kaseorg concluded:

This is a hard working couple, but circumstances beyond their control had landed them in rough waters. A fancy hotel and a garden wedding were not in their wildest dreams. 
They were so grateful and so happy. That beaming woman was a completely different lady than the one I met Monday, depressed, despairing and hopeless at the abortion center. The couple left us for their honeymoon night in the fancy hotel, all smiles and joy.
May Christ guide their future as He did this miraculous day. You just never know how God will use you when you wake up in the morning and say, “Here am I. Send me.”
Life News continues

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

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