
Friday, June 30, 2017

Planned Parenthood’s Faith Leaders Promo Video Laden With Tragic and False Rhetoric

By Susan Michelle-Hanson
Live Action News

A new video promoting Planned Parenthood features members of the clergy boldly proclaim their unity with America’s number one abortion corporation, which took almost 330,000 innocent lives last year.

These clergy members, purported representatives of God, say Planned Parenthood is a necessity for our society. In using words like “ethical,” and admonishments claiming, “silence is no longer an option,” these faith leaders display a lack of faith in their public support of the ‘right’ to murder preborn children.

A Huffington Post article includes the abortion corporation’s promo video and says:

Christian and Jewish clergy members have been part of the movement for reproductive rights for decades. Religious denominations, such as the Anglican Communion, the United Church of Christ, and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), have passed resolutions supporting birth control. And during the 1960s, religious leaders were actually a “driving force” in the movement to legalize abortion in the United States.

Today, this history of activism has largely been overshadowed by prominent voices on the “religious right,” who promote the idea that it is impossible to be both religious and pro-abortion rights.

Despite what these clergy members may believe or justify, it really is impossible to support abortion and claim to be an advocate of the gospel and of social justice. The gospel message revolves around an innocent man shedding his blood and dying so that people could have life, not so more blood of the innocent could be shed in the name of justice.

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