
Monday, June 26, 2017

Pro-Life Talk at Google HQ Was So Good the Video is Going Viral

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-life speaker Stephanie Gray is making a big impact after giving a pro-life talk at Google’s headquarters this spring. The multi-billion dollar online company posted Gray’s talk, “Abortion: From Controversy to Civility,” on its Talks at Google series Monday on YouTube.

In the past few days, almost 10,000 people have watched her speech online (see below). In contrast, only about 1,200 people watched a Talks at Google video of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, which was published in March.

Gray, a young pro-life advocate from Canada, travels across the world to speak about abortion and the value of the unborn child. An experienced debater and the co-founder of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, Gray uses personal stories and the Socratic method to delve deep into the abortion issue.

Gray’s talk is an hour long but well worth the time. She is an eloquent and engaging speaker who challenges her audience to ask questions and examine the issue carefully.

Google describes it this way:

This talk draws on her experiences of traveling across the world and dialoguing with college students, hearing personal stories of poverty and sexual abuse, and sitting down for coffee to have friendly conversation with debate opponents; it reflects on the United Nations’ policies on human rights and examines the insights of psychiatrist and Holocaust-survivor Dr. Viktor Frankl.
She began by asking the question, “What inspires you?” Gray said she has asked it to thousands of people across the world, and she always follows up with a second question, “Why?” Consistently, she said people’s answers point to three values.
“They’re inspiring because they put others ahead of themselves, because they had perspective, and because they did the right thing, even when it was hard,” Gray said.
She related those treasured values to unborn babies and abortion. The Catholic News Agency reports more:

She then addressed the question of the fetus’ dependence, arguing that the fetus’ greater dependent status as a weaker entity than a baby entitles it to greater, not less, protection. She related this to the story of a friend’s husband who, faced with the choice between rescuing a mother or her baby first from the roof of a sinking car, made the “obvious” choice to take the baby.

“Since you believe that we should prioritize weaker and more vulnerable people ahead of stronger people, then shouldn’t we actually prioritize the needs of the pre-born child?” she said.

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