
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Top Pro-Life Congressman Steve Scalise Injured in Shooting, Has Long Record Fighting Abortion

“The right to life is our most precious gift from God..."

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Congressman Steve Scalise, a top pro-life Republican in the House of Representatives, was injured today when a gunman opened fire on a group of Congressional Republicans practicing for the annual Congressional softball game.

The gunman wounded both the Republican lawmaker as well as other people. Scalise was shot in the hip and several Capitol police officers were also victims of the shooting. Because he is part of the Republican leadership, Scalise has protection from the US Capitol Police. One of those members — who was injured himself — ultimately shot the gunman, who is now in captivity.

Five people were taken to area hospitals after the shooting but Scalise appeared to have suffered the brunt of the damage and is reportedly undergoing surgery at this time. The office of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise released the following statement on his condition following this morning’s shooting.

“This morning, at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game, Whip Scalise was shot in the hip. He was transported to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, where he is currently undergoing surgery. He is in stable condition.
“Prior to entering surgery, the Whip was in good spirits and spoke to his wife by phone. He is grateful for the brave actions of U.S. Capitol Police, first responders, and colleagues.
“We ask that you keep the Whip and others harmed in this incident in your thoughts and prayers. This office will release additional information regarding the Whip’s condition as appropriate.”
Congressman Scalise is a prominent pro-life Advocate in Congress with a longstanding record fighting abortion. He led the effort calling on the Obama Administration to reverse its unconstitutional mandate forcing religious organizations to include drugs that can cause abortion and birth control in the health care plans of their employees.

“This radical mandate by the Obama Administration is an attack on the religious freedoms guaranteed to all Americans by the Bill of Rights,” Scalise, a pro-life Republican from Louisiana, said. “Religious organizations and hard-working taxpayers should not be forced by the federal government to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, or sterilizations in their health care plans.”

“This is an offensive example of Obamacare’s violation of the conscience rights of American employers just so this Administration can force their radical agenda on hard working taxpayers,” Scalise continues. “We are calling on the Obama Administration to reverse this offensive mandate in order to allow any employer that opposes mandated coverage of abortion-inducing drugs and other contraceptives to seek an exemption out of respect for their religious rights." 

"I’m proud to stand with the vast majority of Americans who respect religious freedom in demanding that this mandate be reversed, and I will continue working tirelessly with other Members of Congress to prevent this attack on the Bill of Rights.”
He has also strongly supported efforts to defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
“The right to life is our most precious gift from God, and it is offensive and unacceptable that a single cent of taxpayer dollars would be sent to an organization that systematically aborts infants and sells their body parts. House Republicans will continue to promote a culture that respects life at every stage,” he told LifeNews.
Website: Life News 

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