
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Canadian Law Says a Baby Doesn’t Become a Human Being Until She is Outside Her Mother’s Body

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Canada is one of the worst countries in the world for protecting unborn babies’ rights.

A recent assault of a pregnant women and her unborn baby in Montreal is drawing attention to the poor legal protections in the country. Fortunately, in the most recent case, the baby will be protected under the law because he or she was born alive after the attack. Reports do not indicate the baby’s sex.

CBC reports the baby’s mother, Raja Ghazi, was between seven and eight months pregnant on Monday when she was stabbed – allegedly by her husband, Sofiane Ghazi, 37 – in the neighborhood of Montreal North. According to police, she was taken to the hospital where her baby was delivered by C-section. A few hours later, the baby died, the report states.

Because the baby was born alive, Sofiane Ghazi has been charged with first-degree murder of the child, as well as attempted murder of his wife and other charges, according to the report.

Here’s more from the report:
Under Canada’s Criminal Code, “a child becomes a human being … when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed.”
“So, if the child was alive, even for a moment, outside the child’s mother’s body, it would be considered a legal person such that you could be charged with murdering that child if the child didn’t survive,” said Toronto-based lawyer Daniel Brown, a specialist in criminal law.
The legal situation really comes down to abortion activists’ agenda; they readily admit that they do not want any rights to be given to babies before birth, no matter how far along in the womb they are and no matter whether their mother has them killed in an abortion or someone else commits violence against them and their mother.

Abortion is legal for any reason up until birth in Canada, and a fetal homicide law, like the ones most states have in America, could cause more Canadians to question these laws. Abortion activists do not want that.

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