
Monday, July 17, 2017

Melinda Gates Blasts Trump For Not Funding Overseas Abortions

By Claire Chretien
Life Site News

Melinda Gates said it's "very troubling" that President Trump reinstated a policy banning U.S. funding of abortion and abortion-promoting organizations overseas.

Just after he was inaugurated, Trump reinstituted the "Mexico City Policy" that prevents government money from going to groups that commit or promote abortion abroad.

Thanks to Trump's pro-life order, "reproductive health organizations" abroad now can't do abortions at all in their facilities – not even with British or French money – if they're receiving U.S. money, Gates complained.
It is "very troubling" that Trump has expanded the policy "very broadly," she said.
Funding "family planning," a euphemism for contraception and often abortion, "has been a very long-standing bipartisan issue," Gates said. She said she and her husband, Bill, "have had many meetings over the last few months on the [Capitol] Hill to explain why this aid, why for just a few dollars a year, you could put a young girl and her family on the path to self-sufficiency."
She called contraception "one of the smartest investments countries can make" and the "most effective anti-poverty tool we have." Gates also said she's "optimistic" Pope Francis will reverse the Catholic Church's moral opposition to contraception.
Gates is in London for a massive pro-contraception conference. Ironically, secular media reports have suggested Gates has a "public personal stance" against abortion. She says she is "personally" against it and that the Gates Foundation doesn't support abortion. The Gates Foundation funds a number of pro-abortion groups, like Planned Parenthood affiliates globally and Marie Stopes International.
On July 11, "World Population Day," African pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha blasted a BBC anchor for using "colonial talk" to argue contraception should be pushed on African women. She called Western countries funding abortions in Africa "ideological colonization."

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