
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pennsylvania Action Alert: One Minute Request for Life

from Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Delco

Pennsylvania's Senate passed SB 3, the Ban on Dismemberment Abortions, back in January! But the House is getting ready to adjourn for the summer without giving it s vote!
Last year, the House had passed the bill and the Senate didn't vote on it!

We Need This Bill Passed NOW! 

All that needs to happen is for House Majority Leader Dave Reed to call it up for a vote. Last year this measure passed by a 132 to 65 margin. What is he waiting for?

Take one minute to contact:

Speaker Mike Turzai
(717) 772-9943
(412) 369-2230

Majority Leader Dave Reed
(724) 465-0220
(717) 705-7173

If you send an email, in your subject line write "RUN SB 3 NOW".

If you call, that is all you need to say - that you want SB 3 run before they leave Harrisburg. If you get voicemail simply say, "Do not leave Harrisburg without voting in SB 3".

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