
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pro-Life Waco Action Updates

from John Pisciotta, Director 
Pro-Life Waco

1. Waco abortionist identified! Abortion at Ross Avenue update.

Our challenge to the shedding of innocent blood is strong and growing. First the good news than the bad news. There were no abortions last week (July 10-14) at PP at 1121 Ross Ave. Regrettably, abortions are likely this week. The abortionist is expected to be here on Wednesday and also Thursday. Could you stand and pray in the gap? There will be others out at 1121 Ross Ave from at least 8:30 to 11:30 on Wednesday and Thursday. I ask you to go out and stand and pray on the sidewalk in solidarity with sidewalk counselors who will be present the address. Our prayer counseling focus is turning the hearts and minds of abortion-minded moms and PP worker to respect babies in the womb deserving of an opportunity to bless and blessed by a life beyond the womb.

We had big news about the Waco abortionist the Independence Day week. As a result of observations of sidewalk counselors, a photo taken of the abortionist walking across the parking lot, and a post on Facebook, we identified the Waco abortionist 60+ year-old Nicola Louise Moore. She lives in New England, likely Connecticut. In an article with a link below, she jokingly calls herself the “fly-in abortionista.” She has been an abortionist for around 15 years. Let’s pray that she will either have a huge conversion or decide the opposition to abortion in Waco is too strong for her to continue to fly to Waco. I present some links to articles and media and also photos of Nicola Moore. This makes it real when we can see the person who obliterates the lives of babies in the womb. Nicola Moore will fly across the country to kill pre-born babies. Could we drive some miles across Central Texas to stand in public witness against the shedding of innocent blood and in solidarity with sidewalk counselors, led by CareNet of Central Texas with the SOS Sonogram Van.

  • Nicole Louise Moore identified in a data base of abortionist created by Operation Rescue here
  • An article about Nicola Louise Moore in LifeNews in 2011 here.
  • 30-minute audio interview of abortionist Nicola Moore, apparently taped within the last year so here.

2. Pedestrian Overpass Outreach July 21 and July 29

Pro-Life Waco has two overpass outreach events this month. The first is July 21 (Thursday) the time is 7:30-9:00 AM. The location is over South Valley Mills Drive just before you reach the Interstate 35. This is intersection of Bagby Avenue and Valley Mills Drive. This is the in the overpass which was used by students at University High School and University Middle School. You can park in the HEB parking lot near the gasoline pumps. At this location, we can proclaim our opposition to Planned Parenthood abortions to the commuting traffic of a large segment of Waco and Central Texas. PLW has ordered this banner for traffic in each direction:


The second overpass outreach is Saturday, July 29 from 10 AM to noon. This is our traditional monthly overpass outreach over Interstate 35. This is located near Baylor where South 8th Street dead ends at I-35. You can park on the street near Panera Bread, (1000 S. 8th St.) At this event, we proclaim our pro-life message not only to Central Texans but to travelers from across the state and the nation. This is a tremendous opportunity for local foot soldiers to reach out broadly for the Gospel of Life.

3. Petition supporting Governor Abbott initiative to ban Texas
 state government from contracts with Planned Parenthood.

For the upcoming special session of the Texas Legislature, Governor Greg Abbott advocates legislation banning entities of state government from any contractual agreements with Planned Parenthood. Please sign this petition supporting Governor Abbot by clicking here.

4. Second Sunday. July was good. August will be amazing.

We had an outstanding Second Sunday gathering on July 9 (the last day of the year for which I was only 72 years of age). We had several new people attending and St. Mary’s Parish Hall was virtually full. Here is a link to a 30-minute video on July Second Sunday produced by a new friend Thomas Magner. (This link will only work if you are on Facebook.)

I am happy to announce that for Second Sunday Gathering August 13, our guest speaker will be the Reverend Stephen Broden of Dallas. Rev. Broden is Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship in South Dallas. I provide a few biographical points about this outstanding pastor and leader below. I’m working on a flyer and will share that with you at a later time.

I introduce you now to Rev. Stephen E. Broden

  • Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Founding and Senior Pastor
  • Non-denominational inner-city church in Dallas
  • Protect Life and Marriage Texas, President
  • President of Fair Park Friendship Center
  • Founder of National Black Pro-Life Coalition
  • A guest on numbers local and national radio and television programs including The Glenn Beck show, The Huckabee Show, and Fox and Friends.
  • Candidate for U.S. Congress in Texas 30th Congressional District in 2010.
  • Career in business and broadcasting before entering ministry
  • Married to Donna Broden with two daughters and one son.

We will continue to emphasize The 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil for August Second Sunday as we did in July. 40 Days for Life is September 27 through November 5. In August, we will start to lock down commitments for specific hours of prayer at Planned Parenthood during 40 Days for Life. I know this is repetitive. However, your prayer witness is welcome from 8 to 5 each week day at PP 1121 Ross Avenue.


Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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