
Friday, July 14, 2017

Urgent Action Needed in New Jersey

5 Republicans Announce Intent to Vote to Force Taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life 

As we reported previously, the Override of Governor Christie's veto of A3492, a 2017 budget supplemental appropriation bill that would have provided $7.453M in taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood failed in the Assembly on June 29th.

However, just today, the Star Ledger is reporting that 5 Republican Assembly members plan to vote yes to force the taxpayers of NJ to fund Planned Parenthood. Four of these Republican Assembly members are women and have voted No or abstained on these bills in the past. The other is Assemblyman Chris A. Brown who has voted Yes on these bills in the past. He is runnning for State Senate this November in the 2nd Legislative District. These 5 Republicans are also vowing to override any future vetoes of the funding.

Please read the article here, then take action listed below.

Action Still Needed Today!

The Speaker has announced that he will call the Assembly back soon (in a couple of weeks) to vote on the two PP funding bills listed below As reported in the Star Ledger article above, 5 Republican Assembly members announced their intent to vote yes on the remaining two bills which I still need you to take action on below. Please email and call your legislators even if you have done so previously with the message below.

S3302/A4718 - Provides a supplemental appropriation of $7.453M to Planned Parenthood for "family planning services" for the 2018 Budget year.

S3248/A32 - Provides funding to Planned Parenthood for "family planning services' through Medicaid for individuals with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level.


Please email and call your two State Assembly members. Please do both: call and email them. The Speaker of the Assembly said he plans to schedule a voting session on these bills in a couple of weeks so please do this asap! Please make sure you contact your Two Assembly members who represent you at the state level of government in Trenton. Please do this even if you have contacted the previously on this subject.

Message for Two Assembly Members: 

 Vote No on S3302/A4718 and S3248/A32.I don't want my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood. In 2011, their affiliate in Perth Amboy, NJ was caught aiding and abetting sex traffickers of minors. An audit conducted by the Federal Govt in 2007 found that NJ Planned Parenthood clinics were billing medicaid for services that did not qualify as family planning and the state (taxpayers) had to repay over $2M to the federal govt. for their fraudulent activity. Moreover, in 2011, the NJ Dept of Health inspected Planned Parenthood of Mercer County and Planned Parenthood in Shrewsbury and found multiple health and safety violations, including the reusing of vaginal ultrasounds. This is not an organization that cares about women and we should not be funding them with our tax dollars. The Federally Qualified Health Centers are meeting the health care needs of NJ women. I am watching how you vote and will remember how you vote on this matter when I go to the polls on November, 7, 2017. I am watching how you vote and will remember how you vote on this matter when I go to the polls on November, 7, 2017.

Here is a link to find your two State Assembly members:

You can also call the Office of Legislative services: 1-800-792-8630 during regular business hours to obtain the names and contact info for your three legislators.

Also Contact these Legislators

I have also listed below the 5 legislators who are quoted in the Star Ledger article announcing they will vote to force you to fund Planned Parenthood regardless of their disgraceful record and regardless of the fact that women's health care needs are being met and funded through the 100+ NJ FQHC's.

See the link to Star Ledger article above for more information. We need to flood their offices with emails and phone calls asap and let them know we expect them to vote No on these bills and that we are watching! The entire legislature is up for re-election this November, including these legislators. Please take note of how these legislators vote on this issue and spread the word to friends and family who live in their districts. No legislator who votes to force us to use our hard earned money to fund this disgraceful organization should get our vote in November.

  • 609 654 1498
  • 908 918 0414
  • 201 666 0881
  •, 732 383 7820
  •, 609 677 8266
View How your Senator Voted on PP funding bills

View how our Senator voted on S3302, provides $7.453M for family planning services for 2018 budget year. HERE

View how your Senator voted on S3248,provides taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood for "family planning services' through Medicaid for individuals with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level. HERE


Planned Parenthood is claiming that STDs went up in NJ and cases of breast and cervical cancer went up as well since their funding has been cut. They are using this as a reason that they should be funded.

The reality: I attended two Budget Committee hearings this spring where the NJ Commissioner of Health testified both times that STDS have gone up nationally and that although NJ's has gone up in recent years as has the national rate, it has one of the lowest increases in the nation. in addition, the Director of Planned Parenthood, Casey Olesko was quoted in a recent South Jersey news article admitting that there is "no causal link" between the spike in diseases and the closing of health centers in the state," yet she and her minions continue to make these unfounded claims. Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms, a fact they had to admit after being exposed for lying about it, but they continue to try to confuse people into believing that they do.

They are also using a biased poll just released from Rutgers Eagleton and the Health Care Quality Institute which they said shows 78% of NJ voters support federal and state funding of Planned Parenthood.

The reality: The poll used something called a "List2" for the poll. The methodology included contacting people by text which directed them to the poll on-line, which certainly doesn't seem to be a "random sampling."

The truth of the matter is that Planned Parenthood has proved time and time again they are a shameless organization that will do or say anything to protect their bottom line.


Please pass this on to pro-life friends and family in New Jersey and urge them to take the suggested action above immediately!  

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