
Sunday, August 13, 2017

A Compliant Progressive Must Worship at the Altar of Abortion


A compliant progressive must worship at the altar of abortion.

At least that is what Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards alluded to in a series of tweets responding to the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), who proclaimed “there would be no abortion ‘litmus test’ and that the party would not withhold funding from pro-life candidates.”

In a furious tweet storm, Richards retorts:
Women’s health & rights are non-negotiable – incl. access to safe, legal abortion. We’ll hold any politician who says otherwise accountable. Trading away women’s health and rights will just alienate one of the most powerful political forces in this country. Access to safe, legal abortion is central to women’s economic empowerment and bodily autonomy.
NARAL Pro-Choice America – the abortion industry’s lobby in Washington – piles on:
As a progressive movement, we recognize that over the last decade there has been a massive erosion of access to abortion and attacks on contraception and we cannot back away from this fight without abandoning people and undercutting core constituencies in our base.
As we always have, progressives share our party with people who personally don’t believe that abortion is an option for them. This includes self-identified ‘pro-life’ legislators up until the moment they seek to impose those personal views on their constituents and the country.
If they vote to restrict abortion access or contraception access, they then undercut the party platform and they undercut the welfare of women.
To Richards, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL, “progressive” and “democrat” are synonymous with death.
Just like the well-practiced human “sacrificers” of yore – like the Aztecs who brought their children for the appeasement of the gods – our culture too now sacrifices their children for the appeasement of the gods, all in the name of progressivism. 

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