
Monday, August 7, 2017

Action Update from Pro-Life Waco:

Submitted in Service to the Gospel of Life
John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

Jesus said to his disciples, “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand? Mark 4:21

Note: I spoke to two church groups this week about abortion in Waco and the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil beginning on Sept. 27. I would be happy to speak to your church group.

1. Pro-Life Waco action agenda for the month of August

Below is our very busy, and I pray, effective schedule of life-defender events for the month of August. 

2.  August 6 was Life Chain Sunday

Pro-Life Waco delivered an exuberant monthly Life Chain for August from 2 to 3 pm on Aug 6. Thankfully, 15 foot soldiers braved the heat to stand in the public square for babies, moms, and families. We had two couples stop and talk. We encourage them to participate in Pro-Life Waco outreach for the Gospel of Life and gave them flyers on how to get involved. At this point, we are particularly encouraging participation in our 40 Days for Life fall campaign that will begin September 27. If you live with in the 75 miles of Waco we are probably the closest 40 Days campaign for you and sadly the Waco abortuary is probably the most likely the closest to inflict harm on members of your community contact me if you wish to join 40 Days for Life campaign in Waco.

3.Yard signs 

Saturating Central Texas with Choose Life yard signs is a huge part of our effort to drive Planned Parenthood abortions out of Waco. Please pray about and respond to these words from the Book of Joshua: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Actually, we have two versions of the new yard sign. As shown here, each has a joyful photo of a mom and baby, with two ethnic versions. On the second side of each sign is “Me. Still me.” with photos of a preborn and born baby.

4. Care Net Banquet, September 12 with keynote from Lou Holtz

The Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas 2017 fundraising banquet will be great as usual. The speaker will be the dynamic former football coach at Notre Dame and the University of South Carolina, Lou Holtz. The date is Tuesday, September 12. You can get all the details on the banquet by clicking this here.   Full tables and individual tickets are available. Of course, you can buy tickets online. See you there!

5. Second Sunday August 13.

As you know we will have an outstanding speaker in Rev. Stephen Broden of Dallas and will continue promoting our 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil. Think about the hour you, your family, your church group will commit to pray at Planned Parenthood for September 27-November 5. Hours of prayer will be 7 AM to 7 PM each day except Sundays. Rev. Broden will speak on “Abortion, Eugenics, and the Black Community.” Here is the flyer link for Rev Broden and Second Sunday. Invite your friends.

Location is St. Mary’s Parish Hall at 1424 Columbus Avenue. Terrific Italian buffet meal during the noon hour. Meeting 1-2 p.m.

6. It’s new! Rosary for Life at PP abortion center each Wednesday


The first Rosary for Life happened last Wednesday with 10 participating. This will continue at 9 a.m. each Wednesday at 1121 Ross Avenue. We have so many prayer intentions: for moms to choose life for their pre-born babies, for conversion of workers in the abortion industry, for more laborers to come out to the pro-life vineyard, etc. While this is prayer in the Catholic tradition, all are welcome. Rosary for Life will happen in rain, sun, or snow. As you can see from the photos , Wednesday #1 was rain.

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