
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Action Update: Rev Broden at 2nd Sunday. 40 Days is coming--look out PP..

Submitted in Service to the Gospel of Life
John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

  1. Rev. Steven Broden at Second Sunday Gathering
  2. Onward Christian Soldiers with 40 Days for Life
  3. Dickinson, Texas Planned Parenthood closes

1. Reverend Steven Broden lights up our Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering

Reverend Stephen Broden
For weeks, Central Texas pro-lifers have been eagerly awaiting the visit from the Rev. Stephen Broden (Fair Park Bible Fellowship – Dallas) for our Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering. The dynamic pastor did not disappoint. His content and his spirit shifted the enthusiasm of his audience into a higher gear. That certainly happened for me. The title of his presentation was “Eugenics, Abortion, and the Black Community.” He vividly painted the picture of how devastating abortion and its racist proponents are for the families and communities he serves. I’ll say no more. You’ll see below links to news coverage of the event, 9 minutes of selections from the speech, and then of the entire 40-minute video. You must be on Facebook to see the videos of Pastor Broden. I think you will enjoy photos of Second Sunday at the end of this email. You will see my famous Mama Rosa’s pasta and meatballs.

For the local Fox News segment, click here
Selections from Rev. Stephen Broden speech on Facebook, click here (you must be a member of Facebook to view this)
Full version of Rev. Stephen Broden's speech on Facebook, click here 

2. Onward Christian Soldiers with 40 Days for Life

The big item for our local action for Second Sunday was Waco participation in 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. The campaign/outreach is September 27 through November 5 at the sidewalks of Planned Parenthood at 1121 Ross Ave. The hours of the prayer vigil will be 7 AM to 7 PM on all days except Sundays. Aine Fitzgerald, the Director of 40 Days for Life in Waco gave an outstanding presentation about the significance of 40 Days for Life, the profound impact that this outreach has had on her life, and how you will be challenged and rewarded by the 40 Days for Life experience. This is probably the most important project that will happen in our valiant effort to contend with and roll back abortion to Waco. 40 Days for Life is sponsored by both Pro-Life Waco and CareNet Pregnancy Center of Central Texas. We are also inviting all churches to be on board supporting 40 Days for Life.

What’s next for you? That would be choosing a particular hour that you will pray during the six weeks of 40 Days for Life. You should pray in groups of at least two people. After the Lord’s Agony in the Garden, Jesus said to Peter “Could you not pray with me for just one hour.” The 2017 call for the defense of the precious pre-born babies is that for six weeks we pray for just one hour at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Waco and Central Texas are being attacked out of Austin PP headquarters by the return of abortion. We must not imply “Welcome PP” by our silence.
How can you communicate the hour that you have selected or ask questions?

1. Contact me by email at

2. You can sign up on-line at the Waco page of the National 40 Days for life website. Here is your link.

You will have to create an account to choose an hour. This will place you on an e-mail list to receive periodic updates on 40 Day from international headquarters. If you have any difficulty with this, ask your child or grandchild for help.

I hope to hear from you soon. Most of us are capable of doing 40 Days for Life. Don’t leave the responsibilities and blessings of participating in 40 Days for Life to others.

3. Dickinson, Texas Planned Parenthood closes its doors 


I end with encouraging news came out today. Planned Parenthood in Dickinson, Texas (SE of Houston) has closed its doors.

If Planned Parenthood cannot make a profit off the sexual disorder that it helps create, they will shut down. Let’s pray and work for the day when we will read a news article stating that Planned Parenthood has closed in Waco.

Here are photos from Second Sunday:


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