
Friday, August 18, 2017

Alert!!! Your Taxes Would Cover What?

URGENT - Board members voting next Wednesday on whether your taxdollars should pay for Planned Parenthood in their school district.

from Pennsylvania Family Institute

Next week Wednesday, August 23rd, Reading School District Board Members (Reading, PA) will vote on a proposal to use state dollars to pay for a school office staffed by Planned Parenthood Keystone in charge of sex education.

This proposal would:
  1. Have an office in the school staffed by Planned Parenthood (the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania),
  2. Schedule Planned Parenthood to make "classroom presentations on sexual and reproductive health topics," and,
  3. Make "referrals to sexual & reproductive health care services" (there is a Planned Parenthood just two miles from the school that performs hundreds of abortions every year).
If passed, all this will be paid for by you, the taxpayer.

That's why we need you to help stop this proposal. Here are four ways you can help:
  •  Contact Reading School Board Members: Tell them your tax dollars should not pay for Planned Parenthood personnel in their school. The #1 abortion business should not be on any high school staff - especially on the taxpayers' dime. You can email each board member using our Citizen Action Center.
  • Recruit others to make contacts as well: If you or anyone you know lives in the City of Reading, please especially encourage them to make their voice heard. To forward this to them, click here.
  • Use Twitter to message the school superintendent: Send a "tweet" to Reading's Superintendent, Dr. Khalid Mumin, that you oppose the use of your tax dollars to pay for Planned Parenthood in this school district.
Here are some sample messages you can use on Twitter:
.@drmuminrsd Oppose the health center proposal, my taxes shouldn't pay for Planned Parenthood in your school. #ProtectReadingTeens #RSDproud 
.@drmuminrsd Please no Planned Parenthood in RSD. Those teaching sex-ed should not profit when that ed fails. #ProtectReadingTeens #RSDproud 
.@drmuminrsd say no to proposed Health Center: the largest abortion business should not staff your school.#ProtectReadingTeens #RSDproud
  • Attend the rally this Wednesday, August 23rd . Plan to come to Reading between 5-7pm as we look to make a statement before the board meeting scheduled at 7pm. For rally details, click here.

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty.  Use this link for more information on this organization.  

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