
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amazing Pro-Life Song “Unborn Grace” is Heartbreaking But Will Truly Bless You

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

I don’t recall exactly when (or how) I was made aware of the song, “Unborn Grace.” I’m guessing it appeared on an NRLC affiliate’s webpage where right to lifers will often find gems.

“Unborn Grace” is taken from the album “Deeper Still.” I knew nothing about Faye Smith except that she has an absolutely beautiful, soulful voice put to exquisite use in this less than 4-minute- long video. You will be blessed.

We all have seen and heard videos in which a parent, usually but not always the mom, reflects back on what could have been–the child they did not welcome into this world and whose absence she now bitterly regrets. Often the mom visualizes her child as she would be today if she had not been…..

What makes “Unborn Grace” so amazing?

Smith’s voice. I could listen to her sing for hours. Gentle, evocative, she taps into the listener’s heart.

The sentiments. Smith has no interest in chastising the woman as she ponders about what could have been…what should have been.

I went to her website and read this from Smith:

My intent through the lyrics of “Unborn Grace” is not to shame this [post-abortive] woman, but to lament the person who was supposed to be known, who was supposed to be loved. I miss that person. As the lyrics say,
“Wish I had known you, how would I be changed; Wish you had known me, I’d teach you the narrow way; Wish you could understand the meaning of your name…”
“Grace” operates at many levels, beyond the baby’s name. As the woman in the video “watches” her little girl on the swing, Smith sings about the might have beens:

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