
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Apple Will Donate $1 Million to Pro-Abortion Group

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Tim Cook has announced that the tech company will make a $1 million donation to a pro-abortion organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center. However the organization not only supports abortion but was linked to a liberal activist who shot up the office of the pro-life group Family Research Council.

The donations were made supposedly to counter white supremacy.

Mr. Cook called the events in Charlottesville, Va., “repulsive” in an email to employees, saying he disagrees “with the president and others” who see a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis on one side and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights on the other.

“Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans,” Mr. Cook wrote in the email late Wednesday, a copy of which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. He said he felt compelled to speak out on the events, which he found personally troubling, in part because he heard from many people at Apple “who are saddened, outraged or confused.”

“What occurred in Charlottesville has no place in our country,” he wrote. “We must not witness or permit such hate and bigotry in our country, and we must be unequivocal about it. This is not about the left or the right, conservative or liberal. It is about human decency and morality.”

But, in a chilling Federal Bureau of Investigation interrogation video, Floyd Lee Corkins, who shot up the offices of the Family Research Council on August 15, 2012, says that he picked his target from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) website. 

Corkins entered the lobby armed with a loaded semi-automatic pistol, 100 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. He started firing at FRC’s building manager Leo Johnson who heroically tackled the shooter after a gunshot shattered his arm.

SPLC was the motivation behind the shooting. The shooting at the pro-life group’s office captured national attention and the Family Research Council, today, released the video. The partial transcript reads:

FBI: Now how did you . . . This building, this organization. Did you . . .
FBI: Did you, how did you find it earlier? Did you like look it up online?
Corkins: It was a uh, Southern Poverty Law, lists, uh anti-gay groups
Corkins: I found them online. I did a little bit of research, went to the website

FRC president Tony Perkins said Corkins act of terrorism has put sunlight on SPLC, which has targeted a wide swath of Americans for standing up for traditional values, most often Christian and conservative.
“The SPLC’s reckless labeling has led to devastating consequences,” said FRC President Tony Perkins. “Because of its ‘hate group’ labeling, a deadly terrorist had a guidemap to FRC and other organizations.
Our team is still dealing with the fallout of the attack, that was intended to have a chilling effect on organizations that are simply fighting for their values.”

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