
Saturday, August 19, 2017

As Pa. Considers Anti-abortion Bill, Casey's Pro-life Credentials Come Under Scrutiny

by Frank Pavone

Laws protecting children from abortion in the later stages of pregnancy continue to advance in various states. Two distinct but similar measures are gaining ground. One protects the lives of babies in the womb who can feel pain; the other protects babies in the womb from dismemberment procedures. These measures enjoy the support of the majority of our fellow citizens, even those who consider themselves “pro-choice.”

Pennsylvania is presenting a bill that merges the two concepts. The bill, SB3/HB77, addresses both pain-capable and dismemberment legislation.

Senate Bill 3 would make it illegal to cause “the death of an unborn child by means of dismembering the unborn child and extracting the unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus through the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments.” It would also push back the legal limit of abortion from 24 weeks to 20 weeks, which is what pain-capable ban bills in other states seek to do.

Continue reading this article at here

The Rev. Frank Pavone is national director of Priests for Life.

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