
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

‘Calling Off the Abortion’: Single Mom Shares How Her Video Saved a Life

Jordan Encourages Fans to Use Social Media... 
 For Good...As She Did By Sharing Christian’s Story

By Danny David
Live Action News

As Live Action News previously reported, vlogger Jordan Cheyenne’s son Christian – who spent 100 days in the NICU after being born at just 24 weeks and weighing a single pound — is the joy of her life. Single mom Jordan’s story has already led to at least one life being saved, she says in a recent video.

Jordan explains how she had talked on video about life as a single mom. Towards the end of the video, she answered a question on how to recognize real love. In answering this question, Jordan says she immediately thought of Christian, now 4-1/2 years old, healthy, and very active (as can be seen in some of Jordan’s videos and in the photo at the top of this article). She says she knows that real love exists because she had a child and felt a kind of love that surpassed anything she’d felt before — the “purest form of love.”

Shortly after posting this video, Jordan says she received a message from a woman claiming that the video had saved a life. Jordan was initially confused, not sure how her video could have accomplished that. But as the woman continued, Jordan was deeply moved.

The woman explained that a friend of hers was pregnant; the father did not want the baby and was pressuring her to abort it. The woman said she sent Jordan’s video to her friend. The friend reportedly changed her mind and chose life after hearing about Christian and how much of a positive impact he has on those around him and the love between Jordan and her son. 
The friend reportedly said the deep love Jordan described having for Christian is a feeling she doesn’t want to miss out on, leading her to abandon her plans to abort her baby.

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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