
Friday, August 25, 2017

Drug-Dealing Ohio Abortionist Suspended, but is Likely to Reoffend

“Every abortion business affiliated with Burkons is a documented public safety disaster”

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Newly released documents from the Ohio Medical Board describe the shocking details that led to the suspension of Ohio abortionist David Burkons, 70, and conditions he must now meet in order to keep his medical license. Burkons is being disciplined for a variety of drug-related violations.

The July 12, 2017, order suspended Burkon’s license for 180 days (six months), to be followed by a conditional probation of at least three years. During that time, Burkons must obey all laws, submit to periodic appearances before the Board, submit to the oversight of a Board-approved monitoring physician, and observe various other conditions.

Burkons was found to have been prescribing dangerous narcotics to fourteen patients, including several friends, without noting the prescriptions in their medical charts. This under-the-table prescribing kept any mention of narcotic use out of the patients’ records. Drugs that were being secretly prescribed included Xanax, Adderall, Valium, Ativan, and Percocet.

He also left blank, signed prescriptions for his employees to fill out for patients. He claimed that he did not understand that this practice was illegal.

Also, during Burkons’ testimony before the Ohio Medical Board, he blamed his clinic administrator for failing to renew the clinic’s Terminal Distributor of Dangerous Drugs license with the Pharmacy Board. This left authorities blind to the distribution of narcotics by Burkons’s Northeast Ohio Women’s Center abortion facility in Cuyahoga Falls.
“Burkons was essentially an illegal drug supplier. His blame-shifting and claiming of ignorance rings hollow, especially in light of his actions that helped his evade discovery,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
 “It is clear that he has not taken full responsibility for his dangerous behavior. There is every reason to believe when Burkons’ license is restored, he will be back up to his old ways once the coast is clear. That makes him a danger to the public.”
Within 30 days of the suspension order, Burkons was required to provide a copy of his suspension order to all his employers, all entities with which he is under contract, and all hospitals where he has privileges.

Operation Rescue continues

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