
Sunday, August 27, 2017

High School Rejects Request From Planned Parenthood Abortion Business to Open New Clinic

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Pennsylvania school board voted Wednesday against a measure to put a Planned Parenthood-run facility inside Reading High School.

WFMZ News 69 reports the Reading School Board voted 5 to 4 against the proposal as a large group of protesters gathered outside and in the meeting.

The sex education advocacy group AccessMatters first proposed the Planned Parenthood-run center in May 2017. The group asked the school board to approve putting the center inside the high school — giving the abortion chain direct access to young, vulnerable students.

The Reading Eagle reports the facility would not do abortions at the high school, but Planned Parenthood staffers would offer students sex education, counseling about reproductive health and referrals to their abortion facility in Reading. In addition, the center would have been paid for by tax dollars.

Here’s more from the local news:

Dozens of protesters and supporters lined the outside of the district administration building on Washington Street ahead of the vote. Tensions were expectedly high. …

Even Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale — who was against the center — felt compelled to join the protesters in Reading.
“I felt that this issue was so important that it was worth making the trip to Berks County because it comes to our youth,” said Gale. “What our youth should not be learning is that abortion is a form of birth control.”
Some board members who voted “no” said they weren’t totally against the health resource center, but had concerns with not having enough solid information about it, or concerns with its political optics.

Dan Bartkowiak, director of communications for Pennsylvania Family Council, who was at the meeting Wednesday, said the public did not want Planned Parenthood in its local high school.
“We heard from the board that contacts they received were overwhelmingly against the proposal,” Bartkowiak said. “And many across Pennsylvania made their voice heard as well since every taxpayer would have helped pay for this proposed program.”
Planned Parenthood Keystone sent out a scathing comment after the vote, claiming that those opposed to the center “don’t care about our children” and were not local residents.

This is not true. LifeNews learned that a number of local pro-life groups, including Pro-Life Berks and the young adults group Lehigh Valley Pro-Life Future joined local residents in opposing the measure.

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