
Sunday, August 20, 2017

“I Don’t Know How to Live Anymore” After Our Planned Parenthood Abortion

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Operation Rescue has obtained a video interview of a man speaking just days after his wife had an abortion at the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood in New York City.

The heartbreaking interview was conducted by a local sidewalk counselor immediately after his wife had completed an abortion sometime in the summer of 2016.

The man, who identified himself as David, expressed remorse felt by he and his wife following the abortion, which he described as a “mistake.”
“She immediately regretted it,” David said of his wife. “We both sat down and cried and we spoke about it. It’s a big mistake.”
David went on to explain his own feelings more fully.
“I’m really sad about the whole situation. I don’t know how to live my life now – how to move on. But I will fix that. Hopefully, God will forgive us.”
He also had a heartfelt message for women who might be considering abortion.
“But please, all of you, think twice before you make that mistake. Please,” David pled.
His wife’s abortion took place took place at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility that has transported eight women to emergency room just this year alone.

“I hope men and women will watch David’s short interview and consider that he is saying,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. 

 “Their abortion has caused his family deep pain and remorse. Their actions cannot be undone now and they will have to live with that, but there are others right now that can avoid that pain and regret. We urge women who are considering an abortion to seek help at one of the many centers around the country that offer life-affirming options.” Visit for a location near you.
Website: Operation Rescue

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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