
Monday, August 7, 2017

Life Leadership Camp Trains Pro-Life Young People in Minnesota

By Paul Stark
National Right to Life

MCCL’s third pro-life summer camp for high school students took place over four days in July. Life Leadership Camp provided students with a thorough pro-life education in a fun camp environment.
“I think it really helped open my eyes,” wrote one student afterward. “I am empowered to have more meaningful conversations with friends and to share what I’ve learned with others,” wrote another. “I also hope to start a [college pro-life] club.”

The camp was held on Lake Koronis in Paynesville, Minn. Students learned about abortion and assisted suicide, heard from expert guest speakers, and participated in various activities. The goal of Life Leadership Camp is to train young people to be effective pro-life advocates and leaders in their schools and communities.

One of the attendees concluded: 
“Coming to this camp made me more passionate to make a bigger difference.”
If you live in Minnesota, you (or your high school student) can be part of Life Leadership Camp next summer. More information will be made available as next year approaches (and will be posted at  

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