
Friday, August 25, 2017

Looking Deeper: Analysis of Facts Proves Woman Died from Abortion - Not Pregnancy

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Albuquerque, NM - Tara Shaver opened the mysterious letter that arrived in the mail. She could hardly believe what she was reading.

It was an anonymous tip that informed her a woman named Keisha Atkins had died from a late-term abortion on February 4, 2017.

Shaver and her husband, Bud, who lead Abortion Free New Mexico, have spent years laboring in the pro-life trenches in Albuquerque exposing the largest late-term abortion facility in the United States, Southwestern Women's Options, and its connections to the publicly-funded University of New Mexico.

Due to their experience and training, once serving as interns for Operation Rescue, they immediately jumped into action. They filed a public records request for Atkins' autopsy and established a valuable line of communications with her family. They discovered that Atkins' abortion had been done at Southwestern Women's Options, which made perfect sense since it alone in New Mexico specializes in late-term abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

They consulted with Operation Rescue over the meaning of the autopsy report. Such reports are written in technical medical jargon that is sometimes difficult for anyone without a medical background to decode. However, this correspondent has been reading autopsies concerning abortion-related deaths for decades.

It did not take long to realize that as everything was not as it seemed.

Continue reading this exclusive analysis!

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