
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate Phil Murphy Will Force Taxpayers to Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

from Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

At a small rally held today by NJ Planned Parenthood's Political organization, Phil Murphy told the abortion activists that "he had their back" and promised to increase funding to them well over $7.4 Million if he wins the election in November for Governor.

"NJ voters should be alarmed that a billionaire candidate is promising to spend millions of our taxpayer dollars to fund a partisan, political organization who have a well documented record in NJ of waste, fraud and abuse and history of paying their employees exorbitant salaries totaling over $11 Million dollars a year," said NJRTL Executive Director Marie Tasy.  
(Source: 2015 990 Annual Report - Planned Parenthood of Central and Greater Northern NJ).

New Jersey Right to Life is the state’s largest and most active pro-life, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic value of our society – human life. As the premier pro-life organization in NJ, we continue to lead the effort on all public policy matters concerning the sanctity of human life at the state and federal level. We promote, uphold, and support reverence and respect for all innocent human life from conception to natural death, without regard to condition, or circumstances of conception, quality, age, race, religion, creed, or color, whether born or pre-born.  For more information or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link.

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