
Monday, August 28, 2017

Planned Parenthood Supporter and Abortionists Agree: Abortion is Good Because it Eliminates Minorities

By Kelli
Live ActionNews

You’d think that the outcry would be great. Surely society would vehemently protest an industry disproportionately killing minorities at a startling rate. Surely the societal outcry would be enormous if such an industry was making money directly from the deaths of the poor and disadvantaged. Perhaps in a different society or in a different world, there would be.

Many people know by now that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a woman who believed strongly in eugenics — the weeding out of the “unfit” or “undesirables,” even endorsing forced sterilization. 

But so many have tried to honor Sanger’s work while claiming the organization no longer has any racist or eugenicist tendencies… that those things were merely a product of the time in which Planned Parenthood was birthed.

Unfortunately, we know that racism is like a cancer that never truly goes away. As Live Action News’ Danny David wrote, “Even in times of quiet, white supremacy survives in the shadows. As people who believe in the value of all human beings, it is our duty to call out the evil of white supremacy and fight it until it is no more.”
But sometimes, racism doesn’t stay in the shadows. Sometimes it comes out in public and says exactly what it thinks.
This past week, Bethany Janzen, Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America, shared a story about an interaction at a SLFA pro-life protest in Colorado between Kimberly, a participant in the protest, and a Planned Parenthood-supporting man. Jansen writes:

On Saturday, August 19th… [t]en pro-life high school, college, and young professionals stood peacefully outside of Dona Laurita Art and Photography which [wa]s hosting a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Louisville, Colorado. But many Planned Parenthood supporters did not respond in a similarly respectful demeanor.
One of these was a middle-aged white man who stopped with his family, inquiring why Kimberly, a minority graduate of a local university, was holding a “We Don’t Need Planned Parenthood” sign. 
Kimberly explained that Planned Parenthood does abortions which end an innocent human life. His response? Abortion is good because the crime rate has lowered since the 60’s due to a reduction in black crime.
Confused, Kimberly told him that about 66% of black children are aborted. The man responded this is why the crime rate went down.
“I asked him if less black people meant less crime and he said that’s exactly what he meant,” Kimberly stated.
Life Action News examples of racism continues 

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