
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pro-Life Waco Action Updates for Aug 31 - Oct 14th

from John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

 Again, to be brief I will refer to our month ahead action agenda you see above. I will not discuss every item on the list even though each is extraordinarily important.
  1. This week is abortion week in Waco
  2. helps Pro-Life Waco.
  3. PLW penalized by Waco Tribune Herald.
  4. Moving forward strongly on 40 Days for Life

This week is abortion week in Waco: We lament. We pray. We act.


The Massachusetts abortionist, Nichola Louise Moore, will be here aborting babies in the womb this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 1121 Ross Ave. We hope to have sidewalk counselors, prayer support, and public witness beginning at 8 am and on far into the afternoon as possible. On Wednesday, we continue the Rosary for Life at 9 AM. Catholics and others who wish to join are encouraged to be out for this special time of prayer and public witness. The sight of people praying, with God’s grace, is enough to turn a mother’s heart toward life for her precious baby. provides a financial boost for Pro-Life Waco.

If you shop on you can provide a little help to Pro-Life Waco by using the URL(address) On this site, you will have the opportunities to select a non-profit organization you would like to receive a small percentage donation based on your purchase. Of course, that organization would be Pro-Life Waco.

A significant financial penalty for PLW delivered by Waco Tribune Herald.


For years Pro-Life Waco, like other nonprofits, has paid the nonprofit advertising rate for ads on the Waco Tribune Saturday Religion Page. I’ve been informed that PLW’s ads for 40 Days for Life would no longer be eligible for the nonprofit rate but we would have to pay the political advertising rate. Management of the Tribune views prayer at the sidewalks of Planned Parenthood as acts of politics. Can you believe it? The non-profit rate is $13 per column inch. The political ad rate is $27 per column inch. At this time, I have suspended 40 Days for Life ads on the Tribue Religion Page. I don’t know if the Trib plans to charge the political rate for all our ads in the Waco Tribune Religion Page. FYI, the Waco Tribune is owned by Warren Buffet of Omaha Nebraska. Buffet is America’s largest personal contributor to Planned Parenthood. This was our last 40 Days for Life ad, which the Trib sees as political.

Moving forward strongly on 40 Days for Life, starting September 27

The Waco Trib is not going to deter us from having an outstanding 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil. The director of 40 Days for Life, Aine Fitzgerald, is working hard and effectively. 40 Days for Life is being sponsored in Waco by both CareNet Pregnancy Center of Central Texas and Pro-Life Waco. Ads are running on Christian radio stations KBDW and KYAR.
The foundation for a successful 40 Days campaign is individuals and groups committing to prayer at one particular hour of the week for each week of 40 Days for Life. Some of you signed up for your commitment at last Second Sunday. You will have an opportunity to sign up again on Second Sunday on September 10.  However, please don’t wait. You can make your commitment by going to Or you can call 254-644-0407. Or you can email at

For further information and to share with others about 40 Days for Life, I created an overview flyer on what 40 Days for Life is in Waco. You can access the PDF file at this link.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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