
Monday, August 14, 2017

Pro-Life Women Are Not A Minority, And The Media Can’t Comprehend This

By Jeanne Mancini, March for Life
The Daily Caller

As a woman, I do not identify at all with the opinions expressed in Cosmo’s recent article “Abandoning Abortion Rights Means Abandoning Women”. We are not abandoned, we are empowered.

Anyone who says otherwise does not speak for me, nor for the millions of women across the United States who firmly believe that being pro-life and pro-woman go hand in hand.

Pro-life women are not a “fringe minority”. In fact, we are a part of the nearly 8 in 10 majority of Americans that support major abortion restrictions, including restricting abortion to the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Politically speaking, respect for the dignity of all human life is a consistently a winning issue that both parties should embrace. The 2016 election is clear evidence of this.

In an extreme departure from the “safe, legal and rare” mantra, in last year’s presidential election, the Democratic National Committee platform not only abandoned the 26% of Democrats who identify as pro-life, but the 44% of their base who do not want their tax dollars funding abortion, by advocating for unlimited abortion access and a full repeal of the Hyde amendment, which, until that time had widely been considered popular, bipartisan policy. Meanwhile,

Donald Trump committed to “work to support the dignity of human life from conception to natural, dignified death” during his campaign and was elected President.

This is not “fringe”. Pro-life women are not a “discomforted set” of society clinging to an archaic anthem of female subservience. We are CEOs, lawyers, doctors, teachers, writers, baristas, college students, and everything in between, and we believe that our unique capacity for motherhood does not lessen our ambition, but rather, furthers our potential for greatness.
The Daily Caller continues 

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