
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Report Details Troubles at Pennsylvania Abortion Center

“This place is awful. Absolutely no compassion for the patients."
"It reminded me of an animal clinic; it even smelled like one.”

By Maria Gallagher
National Right to Life News

We now have a better idea of what led state officials finally to crack down on a troubled central Pennsylvania abortion center.

A report on the Pennsylvania Health Department website dated July 8th offers details of the myriad of health and safety violations found at the Hillcrest Women’s Medical Center in Harrisburg in June.

The failures included:
  • Outdated medication and supplies
  • Lack of documentation that a consultant physician had proper credentials for advising staff to ensure satisfactory treatment of patients
  • Medication stored in refrigerators with inappropriate temperatures
  • Failure to provide a sanitary environment. 
  • Deficiencies included ceiling tiles stained with an unidentified brown substance, torn padding on exam tables, and a front yard with grass measuring two to three feet high.
Reading the 12 page report, it’s no wonder health officials shut Hillcrest down. But the closure came only after a complaint letter from state Senators demanding to know why the abortion facility was still open after a previous 44-page list of health and safety violations.

The latest report includes plans of correction for all the deficiencies cited. But, with Hillcrest failing inspection after inspection in the past, how can we trust the management to safeguard the health and safety of women?

Hillcrest has been closed until further notice by order of the state until it could be re-inspected.

However, Hillcrest has failed women time and time again with its abysmal safety record. It is time for the facility to be shut down once and for all. 

Here's a link to Life News with 'patient' reviews of Hillcrest Women's Medical Center. 

Editor’s note. This appeared on the blog of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and is reposted with permission.

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