
Monday, September 25, 2017

Abortion Activists OK With Killing Kids in Abortions But Don’t Want Kids to Protest Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Abortion activists will twist and spin any topic to their advantage, including teaching children to stand up for the most vulnerable in today’s society.

A new Huffington Post piece criticized pro-lifers for bringing their children to marches and sidewalks outside of abortion clinics.

One abortion activist who spoke to the liberal news outlet went so far as to describe it as “religious and emotional abuse” to take a child or teenager to a pro-life event.

According to the report:

… children all over the country are party to anti-abortion protests at the behest of their parents and their parents’ religious groups. According to patients and clinic staffers that spoke to HuffPost, this participation sometimes crosses the line from simply attending a protest to engaging in harassment.

One volunteer clinic escort based in Atlanta, Karen, told HuffPost that at the clinic she volunteers at, she’s seen an increase in this kind of harassment since the 2016 election.
“Since the election, we have a group from Abolish Human Abortion (AHA) and they often bring at least one little girl to participate in holding giant signs and speaking into the wireless-amplified megaphone,” Karen said. “The little girl will read from the Bible or from an AHA script. It’s clear [these girls] have no real understanding of what they are reading.”
Karen recalled an incident in which one of these young girls looked at her and called her “evil.”
“With direct eye-contact she asked me, ‘Why are you doing this? Why do you want to make money off of murdering babies? Do you know you are evil? Do you know you will burn in hell?’” Karen told HuffPost. “It’s chilling to see young children used this way … I’ve seen babies being carried as props, and toddlers tagging along as props with the AHA group.”
And of course, abortion activists found a way to justify taking their own children to events like the pro-abortion Women’s March on Washington, D.C.

Steven Meyers, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at Roosevelt University in Chicago, claimed that children are ok participating in pro-abortion protests because they are very different from pro-life ones.

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