
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Alveda King Regrets Her Abortion: “They Said It’s a Blob of Tissue and I Was Young and Foolish”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., continues her family legacy as a prominent human rights advocate.

A leader in the pro-life movement, King speaks across the globe about how abortion destroys lives and families. She knows from first-hand experience. King herself aborted two of her unborn baby when she was young.

The Pilot of North Carolina reports King shared her story Thursday at a banquet to benefit the Life Care Pregnancy Center in Carthage, North Carolina.
“Many of you may have read or heard that Alveda King is post-abortive,” King told the crowd. “In the 1960s and 70s, there was still a little game that the world was playing. They said that we don’t know when life begins, it’s a blob of tissue. I kind of believed that; I was young and foolish.”
King is not the only one who has been deceived by the abortion industry. Many women are deceived into believing that their unborn babies are not alive or important. Sometimes, they are told that they are just clumps of tissue or blobs of cells; but the truth is that from the moment of conception, unborn babies already are unique, living human beings. And by six weeks of pregnancy, their hearts already are beating.

King said her famous uncle was “very, very pro-life” and her grandfather was, too. Previously, King described how her grandfather encouraged her mother to choose life for her unborn baby – Alveda herself.

King encouraged people to support pregnancy centers like Life Care because they provide the help that women and babies so desperately need.
“The pregnancy care centers offer some wonderful alternatives,” she said. “By supporting a pregnancy care center, you actually support a lot of the entire (pro-life) movement.”
At a previous talk, she added: 
“I speak to women all the time that are seeking abortion. …Many times the answer will not be an abortion they are seeking — but just help, love and support and that’s the job of a pregnancy care center.”
Today, King is a mother of six and grandmother of six. As a Christian pro-life leader, she works with Priests for Life and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign to protect unborn babies and their moms from abortion and helps women like herself to heal from abortions in their past.

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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