
Saturday, September 30, 2017

BROKEN PROMISE: Gov. Rauner Signs Bill Forcing Illinois Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

By Susan-Michelle Hanson
Live Action News

On September 28, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner (R) signed HB40, the unpopular bill mandating taxpayer funding of abortion. He is the second governor to force taxpayers to pay for others’ abortions on demand — following in the footsteps of pro-abortion Governor Kate Brown (D) of Oregon. Gov. Rauner had previously said he would not sign HB40 if it passed, but changed his mind, after pressure from Planned Parenthood the abortion industry.
In a press conference announcing his decision, Rauner acknowledged, “The moral argument against HB40 is very powerful….it’s not debatable. It is irrefutable. I respect it very much.” But he also added, “On the other side, the arguments for women’s rights, health and equality are very powerful. I support them. I am pro choice.” 
He added that he feels women with limited financial means should have equal opportunity to abort their children. Rauner said he signed the bill because he was unable to find common ground on it. Without “common ground,” Gov. Rauner chose the side of Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand.

In announcing his decision, the governor said:
I understand abortion is a very emotional issue with passionate opinions on both sides. I sincerely respect those who believe abortion is morally wrong. They are good people motivated by principle.
But, as I have always said, I believe a woman should have the right to make that choice herself and I do not believe that choice should be determined by income. I do not think it’s fair to deny poor women the choice that wealthy women have.
That is why I am signing HB40. ….

The video below, filmed with former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, illustrates the choice Gov. Rauner believes all women in Illinois should have, at taxpayer expense:

In April, Gov. Rauner spokesperson Allie Bovis said, “Governor Rauner does not support HB 40 and will veto the bill if it reaches his desk.” But, as Live Action News reported:
Rauner…has donated thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood, as has his wife, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The Rauner Family Foundation has also contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Live Action News continues 

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