
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Germantown Abortion Clinic to Close, but Will Carhart Open Another in Cahoots with the Window Well Abortionist?

The "Window Well Abortionist" has now been identified as Charlie Browne of Seattle, Washington.

Germantown, MD - News broke last week that Germantown Reproductive Health Services, a late-term abortion facility located in Germantown, Maryland, is being purchased by a pro-life group and must permanently close. Already the facility has stopped taking abortion appointments. Wednesday, August 30, 2017, is set to be the facility's final abortion day.

The buyout deal, made with the Maryland Coalition for Life, also will shut down GRHS's affiliated abortion facility, Prince George's Reproductive Health Services, according to a posting on GRHS's website,

However, late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who began conducting abortions through all nine months of pregnancy as an independent contractor at GRHS in 2010, has vowed to continue his late-term abortion business in Maryland and is attempting to locate a new facility, according to a fundraising blog.

Continue reading for more on the closures and Carhart's attempts to keep all-term abortions in Maryland!

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