
Sunday, September 24, 2017

In Shocking Vote, British Doctors Endorse Legalizing Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

In a shocking vote today, the Royal College of Gynecologists (RCOG) voted to endorse legalizing unlimited abortions up to birth.

The RCOG’s General Council voted to support the removal of all criminal sanctions associated with abortion in the UK. Only 33 council members were allowed to vote on this important issue, despite the RCOG having 14,000 members, fellows and associates.

Currently abortion on demand is only legal in Britain up to 24 weeks and late-term abortions on unborn babies after that point are limited. The vote endorses opening up abortion throughout pregnancy for any reason.

Leading pro-life campaigners in Britain were upset by the vote.

Clara Campbell of the pro-life group Life told LifeNews: “It is shocking that a mere handful of RCOG representatives have decided such a crucial RCOG policy, while their vast membership were not given a vote.
If the measures voted through were to be implemented, and all legal sanctions associated with abortion were removed, there would be no law stopping abortion up to the 7 month of pregnancy, and potentially up to birth if the Infant Life Preservation Act was scrapped also.”
“This is an extreme position made with secrecy behind closed doors. Last year, the Royal College of Midwives were slammed by the public and their membership after using shady and undemocratic tactics to adopt a position of decriminalization,” she added.
Campbell said “The public have been outraged that RCOG President, Lesley Regan, compared abortion to the removal of a bunion in a national newspaper. It is an insidious and insulting comparison and shows she is out of touch with both the public and the rest of the medical profession.”
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