
Monday, September 25, 2017

Strong Presence of Youth and Young Adults at 3rd Annual Walk for Life

Out of the 100 that braved the unseasonably hot fall Sunday, 80 of them represented high school, college and young adult groups in the Philadelphia area.

Barry Kirsch with members of Archbishop Carroll's pro life club

This year's speakers were Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America and Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life.

"We wanted to have dynamic and passionate speakers to light up the city pro-lifers" said Steve Bozza of the Life and Family Office.

This year’s speakers were two passionate and dedicated leaders of two essential ministries in the pro-life movement, Kristan Hawkins and Shawn Carney.

Kristan Hawkins of Students of Life of America addressing the crowd

Connecting with an experience that would forever change her life, Hawkins shared when she was in high school and asked how she can help. It would soon shape her pro-life convictions.

Teresa Peterson provides praise and worship during the rally

She reminded everyone to “ask how they can be pro-life and do more for the cause.”

“I stumbled across a pro-life pregnancy center. They had me organize the diapers and formulas, newsletter, and computer work.”

Shawn Carney of 40 Day for Life
Shawn Carney, Director of 40 Days for Life Campaign, came all the way from Houston, TX to be a part of the event and was use to the sweltering heat.
Founded in 2007, 40 Days for Life takes place in the fall and spring (Six weeks prior to the General Election in the fall and Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday for spring). The ministry has 374 cities in twenty five different countries, including Philadelphia and surrounding suburbs.
Four young men leading the procession

After the rally everyone processed around the Cathedral in solidarity for life. It was later followed with a holy hour, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Sunday evening mass with Archbishop Chaput at the Basilica.
His Excellency welcomed the five members of the Sisters of Life who recently moved to the Philadelphia area and “grateful for their ministry”.
In his sermon, he reminded those gathered to “Recommit themselves to be change into the world with the lord walking with them.”
Archbishop Chaput poses with Sisters of Life after mass



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